老虎来喝下午茶 The Tiger Who Came To Tea


一天,索菲和妈妈正在家里喝下午茶。“叮咚!叮咚!”突然,门铃响了。会是谁呢?索菲打开门一看,原来是只毛茸茸的花斑打老虎!它好饿好渴,好想和大家一起喝下午茶…… 英国幼儿园必备教学用书,全球畅销40年,被译成25种语言。故事温馨、

A popular classic loved by children all over the world. An extraordinary story of Sophie and her mother who had a very special guest join them for tea-time. What can they expect from the big furry, stripy tiger? A beautifully illustrated story filled with charm and imagination. A charming classic for keeps!

Recommended for ages 3 to 5.

Keywords: bloom, animal, classic, tiger, girls, imagination